The mission of Necuvinte Association is a world where all women and girls live safely, their rights and decisions are respected, therefore the advocacy component is very important to us.
Our colleague, Otilia, noticed the pregnancy test promotion campaign carried out by BARZA and took a stand, drawing attention to a clearly socially targeted advertisement.
They recently published an ad that makes an association between pregnancy tests with supplies and the multiplication table, automatically bringing to mind the school years and students/high school students.
What did the author mean when he referred to the multiplication table, given that it is taught from grades 1-4?
In the context in which Romania ranks first in the European Union in terms of the number of minors who become mothers, we believe that this ad sends an inappropriate message, as their target audience is clearly minors and vulnerable groups in Romania.
What if, instead, we did an education and prevention campaign, instead of offering “supplies” like this. Maybe the condom and an education of sexual and reproductive health would be more suitable “supplies” for young people in Romania.
If BARZA is interested in doing an education and prevention campaign, we are waiting for them to contact us. We think it would be much more useful than this ad.
Following the action of our colleague, the BARZA company answer was:
“Thank you for reporting. We regret the unfortunate creative choice that leads the thought in a direction that does not represent the Barza values. We apologize for the error and inform you that we have decided to withdraw this poster from the public space. The measure will be implemented during the day of today. We are open to a collaboration in the sense indicated by you, thank you for your vote of confidence.”
Thank you for your attitude, understanding of the sensitivity of the situation and quick response.
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