David Costello
Friend and spiritual parent of Necuvinte Association’s birth – Honorary Ambassador in the fight against domestic violence.

Marcel Iureș
The great actor Marcel Iureş received the title of best actor of the Romanian theater twice. His artistic work, both nationally and internationally, is impressive.
An absolutely great man – Honorary Ambassador in the fight against domestic violence.

Marina Sturdza
Princess Marina Sturdza, member of the oldest royal family of Romania, is an international journalist, patron of several charities and foundations.
We are honored to have her beside us as Honorary Ambassador in the fight against domestic violence.

Mihai Leu
First Romanian professional boxing world champion (1997) has made us the honor to join us in image in the fight against domestic violence

E.S. Tamar Samash
Her Excellency the Ambassador of Israel in Romania, an activist for gender equality and normality, a remarkable woman and a friend of our organization – Honorary Ambassador in the fight against domestic violence.

Shelly Hugler Livne
A friend, a luminous person with great faith in change and in the power of women to overcome all the historical injustices – Honorary Ambassador in the fight against domestic violence.