Income tax payers who are Romanian citizens have the option of redirecting 3,5% of their income tax to an NGO.
Consequently, each and everyone of us can decide how a part of the tax money will be used.
Direct 3,5% to Necuvinte Association. Each 3,5% counts. Help us help!
Fiscal Code: 32386539 IBAN RO97RZBR0000060016228784
It’s easy; all you have to do is to:
1. Complete Form 230 (or Form 200 if you also have other income sources, besides your salary). It is not necessary to fill in the amount as the tax office staff will do it for you.
Download form 230 if salary was your only income source during the previous year.
Download form 200 if you have other sources of income, besides salary.
2. Send the form to the tax office you belong to until MAY 24.
If you gather more forms from colleagues or friends, our volunteers will pick them up and bring them to us for you.
Contact us by e-mail:
Your contribution counts!
Thank you!
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